Editorial Issues:
All submitted papers, posters and demonstration sessions should be sent to the Scientific Committee of SIMCAM. All submitted works will be evaluated using a blind peer-review process. Submissions should not be longer than 6 pages (typed, single space, font Times New Roman), including title and abstract (250 to 500 words in length), in APA style. Author name(s) are not to appear anywhere in the submitted paper, and should be included only in the Submission Form.
For empirical papers, headings should include:
1. Background 2. Aims 3.Method 4.Results 5.Conclusion 6. Keywords
For theoretical/review papers, headings should include:
1. Background 2. Objetivos 3. Main Contribution 4. Implications 5. Keywords
References should follow APA style. Some examples of APA are given below. Authors are strongly encouraged to check the Publication Manual of APA, available at www.apa.org
Charvet, P. (2003). Comment parler de musique aux enfants: la musique classique. Paris: Adam Biro.
Piaget, J. (1964). Seis estudos de psicologia. São Paulo: Forense.
Bamberger, J. (1989). As estruturas cognitivas da apreensão e da notação de ritmos simples.
In H. Sinclair (Org.). A produção de notações na criança – linguagem, número, ritmos e melodias (pgs. 97-124). São Paulo: Cortez.

Lerdahl, F. (1988). Cognitive constraints on compositional systems. In J.A. Sloboda
(Org.). Generative processes in music: The psychology of performance, improvisation, and composition (pgs. 231-259). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lima, L.F.N. (2002). O pagode dos anos 80 e 90; centralidade e ambivalência na signifi-
cação musical. Revista EM PAUTA, 13, 89-112.
Morrison, S.J., Demorest, S.M., Aylward, E.H., Cramer, S.C. & Maravilla, K.R. (2003).
FMRI investigation of cross-cultural music comprehension. NeuroImage, 20, 378-


Wang, J.Q. (2002, Dezembro). Acoustics of Chinese traditional theatres. Trabalho apresentado por ocasião do 144 Encontro da Sociedade Norte Americana de Acústica. Cancún, México

Souza, P. (1991, Agosto). A fala dirigida aos bebês: um estudo psicolingüístico. Trabalho apresentado por ocasião do XII Evento de Iniciação Científica (EVINCI). Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil.

Proceedings of SIMCAM
Abstracts of accepted works will be published in the symposium program. Six-page papers will be published in the Proceedings of SIMCAM in CD-ROM, complete with ISBN. Printed versions of the Proceedings may be produced, pending on the availability of resources.
Details of the procedure and format for submitting final papers will be provided when authors receive notification of acceptance. All registered SIMCAM attendees will receive one copy of the Proceedings. Additional copies will be available for a small fee during the Symposium.